Royal Gramma


Active Member
I had added a royal gramma, 3 days ago, saw him poking his head out of rocks 1st day, then not to been seen,
are they hiders? Could of he went belly up? I dont know what to look for when they die? do they just disappear?


Mine hid the first day but then cam eout the second. Sometimes they will dart in and out of there hide outs. Just wait if it does not comeout in atleast 3 weeks you know its dead.


Active Member
My royal gramma hid for several days. I'm kind of ashamed of this but he was such a good hider that when we had to take our live rock out (for another reason) and put it in a laundry basket to do some quick work on the tank he was bolted into a hole. When we picked up the live rock, he was flopping around on the bottom of the laundry basket!:eek: That was about 5 months ago and he hasn't hidden since. Smart fish:D


They're very good at hiding, and they do it a lot and *fast*. I almost got a free gramma when I bought a mushroom rock from my LFS...I got out to the car and looked (as I always do out of some paranoid fear that they gave me the wrong fish, coral or rock) and saw this gramma zipping around the bag. I took it back in because I'm honest (and dumb lol)


Active Member
I had read on this BB, back when it used to have on the main page a place to click for info on fish, that they hide alot and come out for food.
And any sharks know why that was taken away when the new BB was done? I surely miss it.


Active Member
Mine is very skittish, and darts into a cave if it feels threatened. It hid for about the first 5 days I had it, but can now be found peeking out, or even exploring new caves. It has become very courageous lately, especially at feeding time. I have a percula clown who loves to eat right out of my hand, and now the gramma has made a few attempts at hand feeding as well (only w/ flakes though). It quickly swims up to my hand (as long as I've kept it still for a few moments), grabs one flake, then darts across the tank into its cave. Very entertaining, and a beatiful fish as well.


Just make sure hes not being harassed into hiding. 1 of the 3 grammas I had used to hide from my over curious Y. Tang. By the time I figured this out his eyes were as big as peas. He died the next day. Just make sure hes not being stressed.;)


Yeah you'll definitely start seeing him when the food is poured in, after a while it will get a little bit more comfortable, and will be able to explore more.