RSM Algae Bloom


New Member
Here is my situation:
I had my RSM over over 1 month and I am having a naste algae bloom (Hair I think). I am currently doing 5 gallon water changes biweekly, I have been buying prepaid salt water from my local store? THEY SAID IT WAS RODI. The top off water I know is RO - but not sure if it is DI ( I buyit from a water store). I have snails and crabs. I have not checked my phospates (dont have the test) What are my options?


Tap water isnt the only thing that can spur nuisense algae growth. It can also be caused by phosphates and nitrates from over feeding/over stocking/die off, or it can also be cause by too long of a photoperiod.


Active Member
Top fuels for algae is nitrates and phosphates as NanoMantis said. Check the nitrates, and if theyre over 5 ppm, I recommend doing weekly 50% water changes until they reach 0, or as close as 0 as possible.
Also, phosphate test kits are often expensive, well the worth while ones anyways. Go to the LFS and buy a phosphate sponge. I got one today, ran me $8, and it lasts 8 days. Removes phosphates from the water.
Tap water is considered to be a algae fuel because it has so many additives, besides chlorine that your city adds to the water, phosphates being something that is just there. I would recommend to NEVER use tap water. Use RO/DI water from your fish store as an alternative, or invest in a RO/DI unit.


phosphate sponge?
gotta google that algea is getting rediculous. i think i might be a bit overstocked tho.


Active Member
Its a small mesh bag with white balls in it, like the silica packets in some items. Mine was called the "SeaChem PhosGuard." That should steer you in the right direction.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishy4991
get some inverts, I don't remember which kind
Yea they would definitely help. A few blue leg hermits, some turbo/astrea/nassarius snails. If they dont do that well enough, consider gettign an emerald crab, but those should do the job.


New Member
Thanks for the Info
The red Sea max comes with carbon bag and Bio filter media (looks like ceramic rings).
I have turbo snails and crabs:
I buy my water at a water store. I am sure it is RO but I dont think it is DI. (basically Sparklets)
I am going to go to my LFS and buy a phosphate bag.


on aquaclear filters the little ceramic things in the bag are those the same thing?
cus ive had mine for like 5 months and just recently this thing has gotten rediculous. maybe i need another bag of that stuff.