

Hey I have lost my beautiful Pink Birdsnest to RTN in the last day
and now my Stylophora pistallata has it. Should I get it out? Will RTN spread to other SPS? What the HELL!!
Any help please! Thanks


Active Member
There has been several posts about this, if you do some searches you can find one. I think even one of the mods had a problem with their coral having this.
I believe the suggested thing to do would be to break/cut off all RTN areas and some of the good area of the corals and remove them from the tank. Do a water change - improve conditions - whatever else can be done to raise the water quality of the tank.


Active Member
what u need to do is frag all the bad stuff off your infected piece
i had a large green stag RTN and i had to break it all up left me with about 1/3rds of the original amount but that was about 5-6 weeks ago and what i broke off is still alive and none of my other sps suffered from it...
can it spread? maybe just depends on what factors in your tank may be causing stress on your sps corals


Active Member
YES IT CAN SPREAD... sucks, I lost like 5 in one event... frag it off if you can... if not, remove it before the flesh goes everywhere.


Active Member
AHH!! It's the plague!!! Run away! Run away!
Seriously though... I hope you get it taken care of. My green favites perished to this most foul of afflictions