ruby brittle


anyone know where i can find one? Pretty sure they're reef safe, but opinions welcome.
scientific name is Ophioderma rubicundum.


nothing? hmmm. Anyone even heard of these being sold? I saw one in a book that said they were nice additions to reef tanks. The one in the picture was kinda white and ruby colored... almost striped.


Did a search- found some pics, but alas, no sites that sell them.
Ask the guys over at SWP- they might be able to order one- or know if they are availalbe at all....
I will be in their on Sunday to buy some RO water- if i think of it i'll ask them
hey- do you use AOL IM?


hey javajoe!
Im in st. catharines, and I was going to head down to swp this weekend to pick up a few things...
if youve been there recently, do they have much of a selection of cleaner shrimp? also, do they have a lot of macros? Im mainly looking for some nice caulerpas...
Drew :)


they did have several cleaner shrimp when i was there on sunday- they get shipments in on tuesday- as for macros- not sure... you could call them ahead to find out-- do you need their number?
Info-- we have adelphia too- i just use the AOL instant messenger program- started using that one ages ago, and stuck with it. had a bad experience geting hacked thru ICQ when it first came out, so have stayed away from it, even though i know its fine now....


yeah i know how that goes, But I HATE AOL.
I found this out about them. ( ruby brittles )
I guess the common name is red serpent star which I have seen, but the pictures i see of them when they are referred to as "ruby brittles" is a much nicer specimen. Al beit if you search for the scientific name "Ophioderma Rubicundum" You will get results for both.
I will post links here so you can see why I want one. They are pretty sweet looking as far as brittles go. I guess it's the luck of the draw unless you can request one to be more like the white/red kind.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
and the common red serpent is on
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
any suggestions as to how i might happen upon the first pic instead of the second? I have seen them for sale on a few sites, but don't want an all red one.


I'm gonna try and read more on them and see if they lose/gain color thru their life cycle. Maybe adults are all red or vice versa. Hell maybe females are the pretty ones. We'll see.


You know, this is what I dislike about BB. You try to carry on a conservation and end up making post that say,"Is anyone out there?"