Running a Sump without an Overflow?


I built a Sump - I have it sitting waiting for it to go to my 125 which gets set-up early July.
I have a Magnum 350 on my 55 now and it is failing on me and giving me bubbles in tank even after I cleaned it entirely a few days ago.
I wanted to take a small rio powerhead attach a hose to the end of it and use that to push the water into the sump instead of using an Overflow.
Will that work?
I would want to do this no more then 3 1/2 weeks while the 125 room gets completed.


Active Member
It will work if your sump is above your tank and spills back into your main tank.
You didn't say how your setup is now.


either way, (sump on top or bottom) an overflow will be needed and is advised... it basically controls the amount of waterflow to match exaclty to the pump...
The "spilling" is either going to happen in the overflow, or your floor....


I dont know if this will work, but I just experienced it recently. Get a 1/2 inch inside diameter hose and siphin the water out of the tank into the sump, but you must have a pump that will pump the water back into the tank at the same rate it is leaving. If it pumps too much, your sump goes dry and your display overflows, if it doesnt pump enough, then your sump overflows. If I were you, just wait it out till you get the other tank up and running. If you cant and you are a DIY person, check out the over flow in this link:
I just built the Weir II and am waiting for the weld-on to get here so I can finish it. The weld on cost me just at $10 and the acrylic cost maybe $5 compaired to $90 or $100 for the pre built over flows you buy in the store.