I only have about 15 pounds of LR in my 55 Gallon tank.. I have a protien skimmer but iv also been running a emprorer 400 with carbon 24/7 for 2 months...
Is it nesseccary to run the emporer 400 24/7?
i have about 50lbs of base rock.... once all the BR becomes LR i could stop using the filter 24/7 right?
How long does it take BR to become LR and is there anything to speed up the process.
mmm im due for a change then
the emporer comes with 2 blue pads with carbon in it.. and 2 empty chambers that i filled with carbon.. should i replace the blue media filters ever month or just the chambers i hand filled with carbon?
Hey, I have the same filter on my 55. I run it 24/7 and I change the carbon about every month. I do just rinse of the blue filter pads. They are pretty expensive for a piece of plastic with some carbon and a sponge. :notsure: About the benificial bacteria, I think when you rinse it off you are just removing the food and gunky stuff from the pad, the bacteria is "inside" the pad and you don't really wash it off. Just my opinion.
Carbon is good IMO. Keeps the water sparkling clean. I took my carbon bag out about 2 months ago, and havent replaced it yet, and my water is getting a little cloudy.
If you rinse it in tap water you are proly killing the bacteria, use tank water. I just stopped using the blue ones on my 280 because they are expensive, still run carbon in the media one though