running carbon necessary with soft corals???


read an article the other day from an internet site recomending running carbon periodically if you have soft corals. said theres a chemical warfare going on that overtime can buildup and cause issues. any truth to this?? what's everyone's experience with carbon??


Active Member
Mixing types of coral also adds to the issue of chemical warfare; ie: mushrooms and frogspawn, or acros and leathers. The more you mix, the more frequently you'll need to run it. Carbon will definitely reduce the risks of "wilted" coral overall, but could also add to water clarity.


I think carbon is the best thing you can do for filtration personally. Personally, I think it makes more of an impact that even skimming. I run it 24/7 and change it every week to every 2 weeks. The water clarity you'll see will amaze you, plus the benefits of reducing coral chemical secretions is a great help too. I used to run it through a phasban reactor, but later switched to adding a hang on the back filter that has carbon inside the filter pads. Much easier to change in my opinion plus then it adds more mechanical filtration. Defiantly keeps the tank much cleaner of detritus among other things.


some softies, especially leathers, go crazy with the allelopathy. i keep only softies at the moment, and i don't run carbon. currently, i have no problems, but i believe i lost a hammer coral because it was "downwind" from a toadstool leather.