russel's compatablity


how do u think a russels lion would do in a 55 with coral right now i have
flowerpot coral, mushrooms, lettice sponge
30 lbs live rock mixed kinds
the fish are
long nose butterfly, valentini puffer,
pair of true percs, lawnmower blennie


i forgot about my 2 long tentical anemonies both real healthy and i also forgot about my sixline wrasse


your lion should be ok with the corals they are not big coral eaters. but i would be concerned about the percs, 6 line wrasse and lawnmower. the russels can get up to 12" in length and most lions will eat any fish or invert that can fit in their mouth. how big is he now? if he is small it would be ok for a while but i would consider setting up a seperate tank for the smaller fish or finding them a new home.
heres some stats on the russels lion
"Family: Scorpaenidae
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Size: Up to 12 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Tank Set-up: Marine: Coral or rock, plants
Reef Compatible: With caution
Tank Conditions: 78.8ºF; sg 1.022; pH 8.1-8.4
Minimum Tank Capacity: 55 gallon
Light: High
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Venomous: Yes
Swimming Level: No specific level
Care Level: Easy
Reproduction: Egg Layer"
"The Russell's Lionfish is also known as the Red Volitans, Spotless, or Soldier Lionfish; Largetail or Military Turkeyfish; and Plaintail Firefish. It is tan with light brown vertical stripes. The spines on the dorsal, anal, and pectoral fins are fleshy, and not banded like those of other lionfish.
The spines on the fins are poisonous, and if you are stung, the reaction will be similar to a bee sting only a little stronger.
The Russell's Lionfish requires a 55 gallon or larger aquarium with numerous hiding places. It is a very hardy fish and generally peaceful, except towards other lionfish. It may eat tank mates including ornamental shrimp and small fish.
Feeding may be difficult until the fish is acclimated to the tank; feeding live shrimp or feeder fish may be helpful. Once acclimated, the Russell's Lionfish will eat meaty foods including the flesh of fish and crustaceans."


well i know all of that because i read it at ***********.com but i would like to know how they are with inverts like a cbs and hermits


Active Member
i believe she answwers your question, they do eat crabs and shrimp, they will eat anythign they can fit into their mouths, shrimp, crabs(yes hermits too) and smaller fish,
her answer was good and the fact that she used the same reference you did, shows that you apparently had the answer before asking the question, anyhow, no they will not be ok together for long(maybe for a bit) but i woudl not bank on any long term compatibility of the fish AND inverts you have with him
now SORRY, i really don't want to tell you this, but not only that, but if you are not already over stocked, he would definitely put you there, easily
HTH and good luck