Rusty Angel and Scooter Blenny Problems


I have recently set up this tank about 2 months ago.
Just bought the scooter and rusty. They scooter is
just laying on bottom not eating or moveing. He has
been inactive for a few days now. Tried to make him
eat but he won't. The rusty has a white clump of sumthing
on his on front fin on the side. Don't know what it is.
Its not really bothering him he is still doing great.
Any help will be useful.


Staff member
How long has your tank been set up? What kind of in-tank circulation do you have? You should have a protein skimmer. An air pump? Does that mean a pump that has an airstone? That is not adequate for SW Fish tanks.
Give us your water readings: ammonia, nitrites, nitrates


Active Member
my scooter did exactly the same after having it for 1 month and died. Is it too late to take it back to LFS and say you bought it in error after reading up about them?
Also you seem to have a lot of fish in a short time.


tank has been up for 2 1/2 months now about, the circulation is the power head and the filter combined they do a good job,i was told i don't need a protein skimmer because i don't have ne LR or LS, true?? water quality is perfects PH 8.2, Nites 0, Rates 10 Ammonia 0. The fish ive been getting over the past 2 month i got the damsels when the tank was new then the clown then the scooter, and rusty last week. He pulled out found out he scratched him self on one of the corals. Just move it to prevent it. Same thing with his fin. He is doing very well now. The scooter is still not thriving yet. I read up on him they do better with LR and LS witch i do not have. He eats the blood worms and is starting to get better. His color is back.