Rusty Angel reef safe???


I'm looking for center fish for my tank that i'm setting up, i really like the potters angel but i'v read there hard to care for.
So i have found the rusty angel and i like it alot too,does anyone know if it would work in a 50gal short LPS tank??
Stock list will be 2 clarki's,1 Purpleback Pseudochromis,1 CBS and 1 cleaner shrimp..


Active Member
With dwarf angels its hard to say some will never bother coral while others will nip it constantly. I don't know that any of them will bother LPS though, I think they will only nip at softys if they do nip.


New Member
I have had my rusty in my reef for a while now but a friend had one that didnt do well in his reef so i would say its hit or miss on angels in a reef just keep an eye on it and pull it out if it nips at your coral


Active Member
As long as you don't keep them with other angels there are normaly pretty peaceful but there is always a chance you will get one that will decide to be terror.