Rusty Angel Update


New Member
I took my Rusty Angel back to the LFS. They first put him in a tank, but a tang started harassing him. So then they moved him to his own tank. Only 15 gals, but no one else is in there. And there is lots of live rock for him to munch on as soon as his appetite comes back. Hopefully he was moved in enough time to be saved. Thanks for all the advice, and thanks for caring about him too.
Also, started aerating water for a 30% water change this evening.


New Member
More good news - I just called the LFS and they informed me that the Rusty ate some live brine shrimp. Not a lot, but did pick at a few of them.
Thank you to those who helped me last night with this problem. I would never have even thought to bring him back. I am so relieved that he has started to eat after 4 days; a much better feeling than I had last night.
On behalf of Rusty - Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU.
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
Glad you were able to take him back, unlike myself whose rusty died. Maybe he'll be ok and later when your tank is ready you'll be able to buy him again! Sounds like you have a good lfs and they may keep him for quite a while before putting him up for sale again. I know mine does. Even put the damsel I took back in it's own tank for 3 months before putting it up for sale again.