Rusty wheels turning in the noggin......


Active Member
On the idea note...............
Don't you hate trying to hide powerheads, heaters, etc...?
I think that someone should market a heater rock (similar to the reptile heat rocks) for your fish tanks. You could have a nice looking piece of "Live Rock" that heats the tank and you wouldn't have to worry about breaking the glass heater you are trying to hide. Does that sound stupid?
The same could go for powerheads..............Nothing beats a 1200 GPH rock..............unless it is an 1800gph rock.


Active Member
I had Buffalo chicken tenders earlier and had some Ranch Dressing to dip em.
Jillian- How would the fish get zapped? It would work the same as a submersable heater or powerhead. Not lookin' to zap.


i think i gotcha beat idea is to have the heater and the powerheads built into the tank itself and also the tank could maybe have one way mirrors on the front inside so you can kinda "recycle" the light so that it bounces back onto the rock.........
my fortune cookie today said "sell your ideas, they are profitable" i'm not kidding


Active Member
I agree - powerheads in my opinion are the most unsightly things in our tanks ..... heaters being a close second.
That's why I find a sump to be such an attractive alternative.
Hide the heater for one thing.
Plus - if your budget allows - you can do some rather simple plumbing and totally eliminate the need for powerheads entirely.
It's not that difficult to do - it just costs more dollars, and may not be for everyone.
Cleaning powerheads is my least favorite task - I don't do it anymore - they're gone.


Active Member
Yeah Broomer,
I hear ya on the sump. Problem is that I am kind of a................well, moron when it comes to building stuff. I will try sometime in the future and figure it out...........or I will have you stop over and bribe the snot out of you to do it for me.:p


Active Member
I'm in Cincinnati twice a month.
If you ever need help - for sure let me know.
You buy the stuff - you hook it up - I'll drink a beer and watch ;)
Bud is fine.
If you have a question - I'll be there !
Be done in a couple hours.
Anyone that can make a camera do what you do, and has the desire - can certainly hook up a sump my friend !
It's easier than you may think.