Rye - OT - Dig Cam


Active Member
I am sorry to say that I am not a big fan of Sony products in the camera line. For $500 you could get some nice cameras in that range..........I am sure that the Sony is probably okay but, I am not the one to ask about that company.
Hope to see some pictures either way.........good luck.:)


I got the Nikon Coolpix 4500 plus a UV crystal lens, cleaning kit and a 50.00 rebate for a total of 590.00 with shipping off E-bay.
It's got alot of features and I am no photographer so I am learning as I go but RYEBREAD said it was a good deal.
Good luck


Id go with NIKON. You can get better for the buck. SONY is to prepriatory (sp?)

reef fool

Active Member
I bought the Olympus c-4000 for $500 and am very happy w/ it so far. Came w/ a case and a 64mb smart card. I have heard the same about Sony. That is why I didn't go that route.

class clown

A general rule with digital cameras is that the regular camera companies (Nikon, Minolta, etc) usually build better digital cameras than the computer companies (Sony, HP, etc).
I also have a Nikon Coolpix 4500 ($615 from Pittman photo, back when they were in high demand). Excellent camera with lots of features. It received excellent reviews for macro shots (large close-ups of small objects), which is a desirable quality for taking pictures of your fish.
Of course, there are many more options out there. Do a net search and look for the many sites out there with detailed reviews of different digital cameras.