
I,m Having a problem with hair algea. I know you have to find the problem before you can fix it. but with all the algea in there I beleive I am getting false readings on my tests.. (algea using up nitrates and Phosphates giving me good readings ) I use RODI water. One Problem is I don't have anything in tank to eat algea. Now for my ? If this stuff does what it says ,I could do my tests after algea is gone and then find prob and determine best way to fix it. Has anyone ever used this product before, and if so did it work? Its about 30$ and if it dosen't work that money might be better off beefing up clean up crew. Thanks in advance for any replys.

nm reef

Active Member
Not a product that I'm familiar with. Provide some info...maybe somebody knows of it.:thinking:


Active Member
My personal experiences are that I dumped at least $100 of that stuff in my tank. I then bought a clean up crew from this site and along with watching how much I fed the tank my hair algae eventually cleared up. I have not bought another bottle since then.
IMO spend the money on a clean up crew.