i checked my s.g. today and it said it was at around 1.020 in my aquapod.
i only use a hydrometer though, but it seems to work for me.
i always notice that i am losing salt instead of water only in my aquapod.
Why do you think this is?
is it because of the hood?
You can not really lose the salt, unless you physically have a leak in your tank. Otherwise, evaporation dominates and that leaves salt. Somehow, something is not write there. :notsure:
The other way you would "lose salt" is if you are adding more freshwater top off than you are actually losing to evaporation. This would drive down the specific gravity as well.
Then you can't be loosing salt if your not topping off......During evaporation water leaves and salt stays behind......I'd be curious as to what your salinity level really is on your water change water......
get ur self a refractometer or take some sample water to ur lfs and get them 2 check it out for you there is no way u can loose salt u only loose fresh water due to evaporation
well i can't get a refractometer becuase i don't have a job because i'm only 14 years old. ill try to check my s.g. at the lfs if they have a refractometer and see if my hydrometer is bad.