?'s on bubble and hammer corals.


I have a co-worker who is getting out of this hobby..He was one of those that just bought on impulse and beauty. He has a bubble coral and a hammer coral he wants to give me...My reef tank has been set-up for about 13 months now. All i have in it is softies: all diff. kinds of ricordia and discomas and rhodactus shrooms...a few leathers and some zoo's.. My ? is will the bubble and hammer be ok with these softies? if so, tell me about location. current, and what to feed these guys if I have to..btw i have a 4X65 watt power compacts.. with 2X65 03 actinics and 2X65 10,000k...Is my lighting adequate? Thanks to all those that help and make this forum so great...very best of holidays to everyone and their families..


Active Member
You can keep those in your tank. I'd place them up high. No need to spot feed them, they can get enough energy from the lights. Make sure to place them away from other corals. IME the frogspawn will sting any other coral it touches.


I recently purchased a bubble and the lfs stated they don't tolarate high flow. I placed mine out of any direct flow and its been doing great.


Active Member
My hammer coral is sitting on a rock above all the other corals and is thriving. I plan on getting a bubble to sit on an equally high rock on the other side of the tank away from direct flow of the powerheads. My hammer and the softies in the tank don't mess with each other at all.


great looking corals 2 of my favorites is it green or white the bubble? i have mine in a fairly shaded area and with very low flow just to where i see the bubbles sway a tiny bit so i know they can feed themselfs.


here is the bubble in my tank.. even better it was free.btw floorguy.. I have my own biz doing hardwood floors here in indiana.. Glad to know there is some fellow floor guys here.


I have not yet found a good location for it yet ... Seems to really like my lighting but i had to shut off one of my P.H. there is to much flow thru the tank..I think the maxijet 1200 is too much. anyone close wanna trade my 1200 for a 600? mine is only a year old.