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It may be worth mentioning that often these heavy-duty type bulkheads require different sized holes for a given size than the standard black ones that are so common. If one is drilling the tank to fit, then obviously this is not a problem, but tanks that are pre-drilled are usually sized for the "normal" bulkheads.
Thanks, SCSInet. I appreciate the heads up.
I am aware of the different sizes between the two...infact, even some of the schedule 80's require different size holes depending on the brand and style you are dealing with. I've already ordered mine and know what size the holes need to be in order to accomidate them. They Haywards for instance for a 1.5" BH require a whole 2 3/8" which is the same as most standard schedule 40's even though they are 80's...and the S.pears require 2 5/8" to accomidate their brand. I won't be drilling the typical way which most people are farmiliar with as far as using a diamond coated holesaw...instead, one of our resident experts here turned me on to a different idea that I am going to try which will allow me to create a whole excactly the size that I require so that I'f I need to make the whole a 1/4" bigger it won't be a problem.
I've picked up some scrap pieces of glass the same thickness as my tank from a local shop that I am going to practice on first...just incase.