sabae anemone help


My dad decided that my clownfish needed an anemone and came home with a sabae anemone a couple days ago. It is mostly white but the oral disk is brown so he isn't completely bleached. For the past 2 days the anemone opens up at night and during the day it gets shriveled and it sometimes detaches from the rock he's on. He moved from the rock last night onto the floor (I have a BB tank) and now he is puffed up and full during the day. The main problem that I have with it is it's mouth won't close all the way.. It's closed today more than it has been since I got it ( I could probably put a dime in its mouth) I fed it yesterday and plan on feeding it again tomorrow. As for tank info: My tank is a 29g tank with 130 watts of Pc lighting. My trates, trites, and ammonia are at 0. My pH is 8.3 and my temp is ~80-82. The salinity is ~1.024. I've had the tank for a little over a year and expressed the idea that I wanted an anemone but I never expected my dad to come home with one.. Please help me :needhelp:


My clownfish (from what I've noticed its only the female so far) have already taken to the anemone. She sleeps in it at night but doesn't stay in it during the day. She hasn't allowed the male into it yet but he's sneaks a rub every once in a while. They are false percs and I've had them for 3-4 months. I bought them as juveniles and I want to know when they should start spawning.. :happyfish


Active Member
The lighting is a little bit weak IMO for a sabea, but it does not mean you can't bring it back to health. Keep up the feeding(small chunks of meaty foods). The bare bottom worries me, They sometimes prefer to be in a sandy place. Also if it roams about or detaches and gets blown around, do you have a heater gaurd? and are all of your powerhead intakes covered with sponges or screens? Also remember to talk to your dad about bringing home "gifts". A picture would help to determine the mouth issue as well.


Actually I think the anemone has found a spot it likes now. It moved its foot in between 2 rocks and he is open now bigger than i have seen him open so far. We plan on getting a 125g near the end of June, the whole package: halides, overflows, excellent filtration, and I plan on putting a couple inches of sand in there too. I took the sand out of this tank because it was the cause of my huge algae problem, since I took it out my algae has basically disappeared. I don't have a camera or you would already have a pic, it's mouth has closed a little bit more. It was open and the anemone was shriveled yesterday but I found out that it was "pooping" after watching it for a while.. :rolleyes:


Active Member
cimpow137 said:
. I took the sand out of this tank because it was the cause of my huge algae problem, since I took it out my algae has basically disappeared. /QUOTE]
I have never heard of sand causing algea, it is just usually where it manifests itself. Also just wondering about the other questions, do you have heater gaurds, and something protecting the intakes on your powerheads? Glad to hear it is doing better though.


Well the sand was a DSB that I didn't maintain very well and the nutrients and all the decomposing stuff basically fed the algae steriods. About the heater guard and powerhead protecty things, I don't have anything on any of them but they are high enough and far away enough from the anemone that if it decides to move I'll have time to put stuff on them.. They also aren't very powerful..


i never thought my sabea would get into my power heads until i came home one day and found him stuck in one. It lived, but i was suprised it didnt die, you shoulda seen it, i almost cried!!!!!!! :happy: cover your powerheads, sebeas move around more than most anemones.