My dad decided that my clownfish needed an anemone and came home with a sabae anemone a couple days ago. It is mostly white but the oral disk is brown so he isn't completely bleached. For the past 2 days the anemone opens up at night and during the day it gets shriveled and it sometimes detaches from the rock he's on. He moved from the rock last night onto the floor (I have a BB tank) and now he is puffed up and full during the day. The main problem that I have with it is it's mouth won't close all the way.. It's closed today more than it has been since I got it ( I could probably put a dime in its mouth) I fed it yesterday and plan on feeding it again tomorrow. As for tank info: My tank is a 29g tank with 130 watts of Pc lighting. My trates, trites, and ammonia are at 0. My pH is 8.3 and my temp is ~80-82. The salinity is ~1.024. I've had the tank for a little over a year and expressed the idea that I wanted an anemone but I never expected my dad to come home with one.. Please help me :needhelp: