Sabae (not Doing So Good)


I put a sabae anemone in my tank a few weeks ago, and he is not doing so good. Water is great, I have good lighting with 440w of vho's I have tried feeding him several times I am not for sure what is wrong. My question is, if he dies will it kill my fish due to toxins it may release? I have realized that getting an anemone was a mistake I will not buy another. Any comments would be great!! Thanks


Surely, Someone with an anemone can comment. IF it does not look better tomorrow, I think I will take it out of my tank....


Active Member
do a search on here - I think sebae's need ot be fed and have high lighting requirements. I know Broncofish is raising some ... you might do a combo search for his name and anemone
Good luck. I'd see about trading it in to the LFS .....


I also feed my silver sides. He looks all shriveled up, the tentacles are very thin, not filled with water. The lfs said that my lighting was fine, but they would never lie right!!! I will just continue to try and feed it and see what happens. I think my next purchase will be some leathers...I hear they are alot easier to take care of....


New Member
I have a seabae that was touch and go at first. It is doing great now. A few things that helped me is how is your flow? Mine see's to like a pretty good current. It moved around a while until it found a place it was happy. Also do you have a clown in there? Mine was much happier after my maroon clown moved in. I feed mine Mysis, and I hand feed her every other day, in addition to what the clown feeds her....
Hope this helps because if it gets better they are a joy to watch, I swear mine has personality.


All my water levels are fine, I have 2 perc clowns in my tank which neither one has taken to the sabae. I feed the sabae either small chuncks of silver sides or mysis shrimp. I wonder if my lighting is enough...440w of vho's for a 90gal...I will cont to monitor but hope if it dies it does not take my fish with it.....One last question before I forget..does anemones need iodine in the water...That is one thing I do not test for?...Thanks


Sorry to join in so late; I hope the Sebae is still fine. We've had ours for about a month or more (I'd have to check) but it was very picky about where the food is placed. I practically have to put it in his mouth! Also, how big is the Sebae? Ours is about 2" in diameter maybe more. I feed it small chunks of shrimp. And, ours took a trip to the bottom of the tank recently I believe for the water flow, but I'm worried about the lighting too. Seems fine for now, guess we'll both hope for the best. I'm going to try to post a pic; if you could also get one too.