Saddle Anenome doing handstands?


My Saddle Anenome has been upside down for about a week. Should I be concerned? It's still full sized (about 12" across). Just curious. Thanks. :notsure:


Active Member
That depends. It usually isn't a very good sign. Has it moved on it's own and still attached just hanging upside down? Or is it detached and just kind of laying there? Has is been eating anything you feed it?


Yes I fed it right before it move and turned upside down. Maybe he didn't like the shrimp.:nope:


Sorry I forgot about part 2. He's just floating on the bottom, his base is straight up, but he is surrounded by rock.


Active Member
I would gently try to turn him over to see how his mouth looks. Try to feed him very small pieces of food. Wear rubber gloves if you can and handle by his base if you can. Try to feed him very small pieces of food and see if he'll accept it. If his mouth is tightly closed that is a better sign but upside down unattached for a week doesn't sound promising!