Saddle anenome


Hey all, I've got a question regarding the Saddle Anenome.. I'm thinking about buying one but have a couple questions for those who may already have one:
1. I am going to put him in a 30 gallon tank -- The lighting is 2 96W PC Compact lighting.
2. Do these anenome's like pure substraight for their environment? I am thinking I'll need to rearrange the LR to give this guy a nice sized lot he can call home.
Our tank has been stable for over a year now, and we've migrated all the corals and other fish out of the tank, into our 80 gal environment. The only inhabitants in this tank are the two clowns (who've been there since day one).
Anyhow, any info is appreciated.


I wanted to edit the post to say the WPG is about 6.4wpg, which from what I am reading should be sufficient.
I may grab a couple of T5 lights and a ballast to put in to there as well.. But, I am interesting in hearing others' experience with these anenome's.


Active Member
Everything sounds good to me. They like to be on the sand or CC, whatever you have underneath your rocks. You could feed the anemone about 1-3 times a week too.


Great, thanks for your reply. I read it earlier and we just got back from the LFS with our new anenome in hand. :)
We've got him situated on the sandbed, but he looks REALLY upset right now. I am hoping that he will acclimate himself further than was we already did before letting him loose in the tank.
It didn't take our clowns but two minutes to find their new home though, that was pretty cool to see..


were your clowns tank raised? and how long have you had them and have they ever hosted an anemone before? Did you take any steps to help them host?
and lastly got any pics of the anemone and clowns?



Originally posted by Hiddenicon
were your clowns tank raised? and how long have you had them and have they ever hosted an anemone before? Did you take any steps to help them host?
and lastly got any pics of the anemone and clowns?

Our clowns were in fact tank raised, and we have had them as long as we have had our tank (1.5 years).
They have hosted a number of things in the past, a gonnapora(sp?), hairy mushrooms, and for a brief while, a rock with hair algea! lol
I didn't do anything to get them to make the anenome their new home. They went right to him.
Here is a picture.


well thanks for the help, i'm glad you've had such good luck with them hosting stuff. I have 2 false percs and they haven't hosted anything in my tank so far(sabea anemone, RBTA, muchrooms) hopefully one day they will host in the RBTA and thanks for the picture. Do you have a AOL screen name i could have so we could chat about tanks and other stuff? If you don't wanna post it on here my email is


one more thing i have to get off my chest lol is that my oldest clown(only had it for about 4 months) hosted in a carpet anemone at the LFS but nothing in my tank so far:mad: anyone got any ideas why this might be?