Saddleback Clowns


I am getting a pair of Saddleback clowns this week and I just thought I would see if any one else has any. A guy I know is getting rid of them because they are starting to nest(moves rocks around, clean off rocks, and become aggressive). I breed clowns and I know these are rare and do not ship well. The nesting is behavor that they do before they lay eggs so I am hoping to start to raise these. They are the black variant type wich is rarer. I will post pics next week when I get them. Also if anyone has them with a BTA let me know if they host with them. I know they do not host with a BTA in nature, but I thought I might try. Thanks.


I had a pair for about a year and then hurricane rita killed my aquarium....
Mine went directly to my saddle anemone and stayed. They ran my percs. out and took over. I never had them go to a bubble though I have heard they will. I had the black kind also and if you do raise some I would love to get a pair from you.. Good luck and keep me in mind


I will and thanks for the reply. They ate well for you. What do you mean by a saddle anemone? Please give scientific name if you know it. I will keep you in mind. Like I said they showed signs for breeding so hopefully they will very soon. As far as I know they did not lay eggs yet. I am paying $150.00 for the pair. I know it's a little expensive, but they are 4 and 5 inches and they have been in captivity fo 12-18 months and show signs of breeding. Even if they don't breed they are worth it to me for their rarity. Send me an e-mail or I will forget about getting you a pair. Me e-mail is and just reference that you would like a pair of saddlebacks. I would imagine it will take 12-18 months for them to be available, depending on when they lay eggs.I will post a pic next week.