saddleback grouper???


anyone here have one? if so can you comment on your experience with it so far.Im thinking about buying one that is around 9-10" from a friend.It would go in a 500 gallon with what i have so far (jeweled eel,goldentail eel,pinktail trigger,clown trigger,miniatus grouper).

shark bait

In a 500 it might be ok with the Hind Grouper, but how big is your Hind?


Originally Posted by shark bait
In a 500 it might be ok with the Hind Grouper, but how big is your Hind?

shark bait

Ok, he is small. I'd say if you have good rock work it should be fine. They may take some time to get used to the fact another fish in in the tsnk but it should be ok after some time.

shark bait

FYI you might know this but others don't, to keep this grouper it's whole life a 500g in the smallest tank one should have so right off the bat you are on the right track. What are you going to do?


Originally Posted by shark bait
FYI you might know this but others don't, to keep this grouper it's whole life a 500g in the smallest tank one should have so right off the bat you are on the right track. What are you going to do?

Thanks for the heads up.I allready know how big he gets,i try to research things before i buy them 9.9 times out of 10. I ended up buying him and he is a bit too aggressive for what i want.Im buying three triggers(bursa,white tail,and a rectangular) next weekend and im afraid this guy will not work out with new arrivals.So off to me friends new 125 he goes to cycle his tank for a couple months.I cant justify having a fish that reaches 4' in my tank,I can imagine the expensive snacks that he would probably have on any of my triggers.(i allready have a clown and a pinktail,plus the three im getting next weekend.) I plan on eventually having one of each type of trigger that there are.Except for a queen,undulated.I may try a blueline though,not sure they are so awesome looking.


Can we see some pictures of this 500...sounds sweet....How big is your miniatus.....probably one of my all time favorites.....


Just be aware that if anything can fit in his mouth, thats where its going to end up 9.9 out of 10 times.

shark bait

As far as I know a trigger only tank has been kept in Japan. But a blue line is for lack of a better word a prick. so don't try it with him. I do have my doubts but I won't say don't do it but I know it will be some work and might even work. Not my bag, but sounds cool none the less.


Originally Posted by shark bait
As far as I know a trigger only tank has been kept in Japan. But a blue line is for lack of a better word a prick. so don't try it with him. I do have my doubts but I won't say don't do it but I know it will be some work and might even work. Not my bag, but sounds cool none the less.

Ive heard that about the bluelines.I could always keep him in my sump if he did not work out in the display tank.They are very cool looking fish and worth the trouble.The tank will not be all triggers,i have two moray eels,miniatus grouper,and quite a few other fish i would like to have(harlequin tusk,sohal tang,clown tang,etc...)But i really like the triggers! Im looking for a Starry trigger now.


Originally Posted by Nictavius
Can we see some pictures of this 500...sounds sweet....How big is your miniatus.....probably one of my all time favorites.....

500 is still in the process of setting up.All my livestock is in a 120 gal. right now with a 120 gal. sump.Miniatus grouper is approx. 4-5". He is an awesome fish.Heres some pics of the 500.....Tank is 8'x4'x25" w/external overflows.

My skimmer.....

Where the tank is going.....



Active Member
46bfinga said:
500 is still in the process of setting up.All my livestock is in a 120 gal. right now with a 120 gal. sump.Miniatus grouper is approx. 4-5". He is an awesome fish.Heres some pics of the 500.....Tank is 8'x4'x25" w/external overflows.
VERY nice!! Can't wait to see more pics as you progress! :jumping:


I have a triger only tank (Queen, Titan, Clown, Niger) and live right here in the US of A. Check out my thread "They said it couldn't be done." I'm posting pics tonight. Hope to hear from you.

shark bait

Originally Posted by Triggcity
I have a triger only tank (Queen, Titan, Clown, Niger) and live right here in the US of A. Check out my thread "They said it couldn't be done." I'm posting pics tonight. Hope to hear from you.

Yea and hows that going???