saddleback wrasse


hey i just got a what the guy at the lfs called a mexican saddleback wrasse. i just acclimated him and he is just hidding right now. i tryed to look for info on him and cant find any thing. he is in my 180 with my 6 inch porc my 6inch niger trig. so can u guys just tell me the basic things i kneed to know about him thanks.


my niger is attacking him and i dont know what to do . i just put a shell for the wrasse to hind in but my trigger i looking for him.


Originally Posted by eelfan77
hey i just got a what the guy at the lfs called a mexican saddleback wrasse. i just acclimated him and he is just hidding right now. i tryed to look for info on him and cant find any thing. he is in my 180 with my 6 inch porc my 6inch niger trig. so can u guys just tell me the basic things i kneed to know about him thanks.
Could it be a Jansen Saddle Wrasse or a Mexican Rock Wrasse? any pics?


Originally Posted by eelfan77
my niger is attacking him and i dont know what to do . i just put a shell for the wrasse to hind in but my trigger i looking for him.
180 3 fish?thats the prob!!add more fish niger wont be so agressive


Active Member
Hmm, not sure which Wrasse it is, got a pic?
The Niger hopefully is just showing him who the boss is. In a way though Slack sadly may be right. Your 6 inch Trigger may be too much fish for a small Wrasse to deal with on his own, the Puffer is pretty much off limits, so the Niger may choose to divert all his nastiness to the poor Wrasse. What future stocking plans for that tank do you have?


no im not done with the stocklist. i just get fish as i go along like in the next 4 weeks i go to the lfs see what they have and if i like something i go home and research it then observe it then maybe get it. and now the niger stopped picking on him. and he is now swimmin around alot too. he is about 6 inches and i will try to get a pic up.


Heres a pic I tihnk he is a paddlefin wrasse. the white spots are on the glass not the fish. sorry so blurry he moves fast!



anyone have any info on him. the lights are off and he is now sleeping. but right before the lights turned off i fed him shrimp and diff formula foods.


Active Member
Well whatever common name we are going with it is definately in the Thalassoma genus of Wrasses. These are big, bold, hardy, fast, and beautiful Wrasses. I have owned two (Lunare, and Sunset), they well eat any meaty food, and are active and fun fish to watch. My Sunset was the first fish in my current tank, so had no problem adjusting, my Lunare in the previous tank was a different story, he was was roughed up by my Achilles Tang for a day or so, but settled in fairly quickly. I personally expect this fish to do very well in your tank as long as he has places to hide from the Niger.


Active Member
Thalassoma lucasanum, the fish of many names. There is perhaps no other fish that has more common names then this guy. The correct common name is Cortez Rainbow Wrasse. Any names with Cortez (also Mexican) or Rainbow or Paddlefin coupled with one of the previous names, usually apply to this wrasse. Indeed, very closely related to the Lunare and Sunset. Fat, bold wrasses, that active, doesn't begin to describe.
At 6", just the first day or so of adjustment, he should have no problems fitting in or teaching that Niger a lesson or two.


Active Member
they are supposed to be less aggressive than most of the large wrasses, and smaller, 6"-7" max. I have one and it is a nasty little guy, great looking fish though.


thanks everyone for the answers. but i still have a couple more questions. how many times should i feed him a day and what other things should i feed it besides shrimp.


ive been observing my wrasse today and he sometimes turns straight up verticle and starts to flap his fins then he waits till he reaches the top then he just stops flapping till he goes back to the bottum and he does it again. he will do this like 4 times then he stops. then he starts to swim regular again is this normal.


Active Member
Feed him everything under the sun. Shrimp, squid, clams, scallops, silversides, frozen krill, and he'll probably eat whatever you feed your other fish as well. My goldbar wrasse always had his share of Angel Formula and Spirulina as well.
This also where my opinion might differ, but for these wrasses, live feeding does wonders. It brightened the colors of my Goldbar right up and seen to help him calm down after the "hunt." You can feed saltwater bait shrimp, but I would feed a crayfish once a month or so as a treat. They are far more intelligent then we give them credit for.


Active Member
I think it's fine. He's not breathing heavy or anything? My mom's baby Tusk did that, go up the conrner of the tank vertical, but then at the top, he's just relax and keel over backwards!
Though he had swim bladder problems. Only did it in the morning though. Once the lights came on, he went to his normal routine of prawling the rocks.
Her lunare wrasse also did something crazy, it chased it's own tail!! Just like a dog! Do a couple high speed circles then swim off. I guess bottom line is that it's fine, if he doesn't look stressed or breathing bad. Like I said earlier, this wrasses are more intelligent then we give them credit for. Probably adjusting from to tank life and the stresses of having tankmates.


Active Member
Wrasse in this family are so energetic, they may do anything. I hate to use the word "playing" with fish; but I think he's just being a wrasse. As long as he's breathing & eating OK; I wouldn't worry about it. Also; I'd start feeding all your fish a varied diet with some supplements (like selcon). All the fish you have need some chunky seafood; cut up raw shrimp, squid, clam,etc.; all from the seafood section of your grocery store. Your fish will also enjoy a piece of dried seaweed once in a while; even though they're carnivores.


ok thanks he eats good and doesn't breath hard. I feed them shrimp, and today I fed clam and 1nce a week they get drjied seaweed. I'll start to put selcon in there food to . thanks again everyone.