sadle puffer


He just died :mad: I got him three weeks ago and was in a 10 gal qt tank. He was eating and swimming fine but this morning he was just sitting on the bottem when he usualy swims up top. He ate two small ghost shrimp yesterday and no problems with his teeth. When i got home from school he was dead. I didnt get a chance to get the water tested yet, but i tested not too long ago and everything was fine. PufferLover what happend? :confused:


Active Member
AquaMan: I wish I could tell you a specific reason but I can not. The fact that you had it in a QT tank is a great plus for you and your sense in doing a QT tank. The fact that it lived 3 weeks gives me the insight that it probably was not healthy to start and the fact that it was alone it gave its problems time to over take it. I have bought a few fish that start out well and in a matter of weeks they suddenly get bad and pass. Some of this is due to the collection methods of the fish collectors and some due to the fact that the poor fish is just moved around to much and to quickly before you buy it. To clarify it for you go ahead and check the water to make sure it tests OK, and if it does I would leave the tank running for now. Before you buy another fish of any expense tho I would get a cheap Damsel or 2 and try it in the tank for 3 to 4 weeks and see if it/they do OK. Wish I could be more help but this is best I can do for now.


Active Member
Anytime my friend. I have often thought that I have a great eye for fish and I will take a lot of time picking one out (sometimes taking days of visits to pick out what I think is the right one) and yet every so often I get one that seems perfect and then dies and leaves me thinking what did I miss seeing I should of. As said before this is hardly a perfect science and sometimes we just pick badly but the fact you were so concerned shows me you are one of the ones that will do well in this hobby because you do care so much.