Saebe looking bad


OK so I have some coral and anemones and wanted to help the corals grow so I put in some seacom REEF BUILDER and my SAEBE shriveled up. Not like what it does at night, where it turns in on itself, but it just got real dark and very little movement. HELP me please.
PH is 8.24
SAL i3 1.022
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
alk. buff. 300
PLease help.


Active Member
IMO your salinity is low but you might want some more answers from experienced people.


You need to take a look at your calcium and alkalinity. Just a guess but I'm willing to bet your pH went into the toilet when you did that, or your anemone got hit with buffer compounds and shrivled up., I've seen that before.
With a reef tank you must track calcium and alkalinity, even magnesium.
Then again you might find he is ok in the morning, all depends on what happend. Get those other test scores.


Active Member
also check your amonia levels if those are high it will also cause this.i would raise sg and cal may be a bit low