Safe Fish?


New Member
I was recently informed that my cleaner wrasse was not a good purchase for my tank. I baught a 6 line wrasse today and was wondering if it would be an alright addition 2 my small tank. Its a 40 gal tank. It has 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 yellow eyed tang, 2 chromis(soon to be 1), and a bicolor blenny. i was wondering what some other suggestions for fish would be keeping in mind that i dont put anenomes in my tank. I also have a 55 gal with a carnation coral and severl different zoos and mushrooms. the only fish i have in there is my atlantic blue tang(my baby) and i was wondering what a couple more fish would be that i could put in there that wouldnt disturb my tang or my carnation coral since it is a very sensitive coral? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
I want to prepare you for the people who will say "NO TANG IN A 55G TANK!!!!" Someone, I have no doubt, will say this.....
Just be ready :)
I am not a fan of it long term (final tank), but short term (perhaps a couple of years) is reasonable, IMO.
The problem with sixlines is that they can have a touch of an attitude. It should be OK in your tank, but may have issues with the cleaner. I don't know that it is all that likely, but mine has issues with his own reflection.
I'm not sure what I would put in the other tank. How long have you had the system going? If the carnation coral is the baby, I'm always hesitant to mess with something that is working. :thinking:


Active Member
I would probably not mess with the 55 either. If you have both the atlantic blue and carnation doing well, leave it that way for a while. Both are very hard to take care of, especially the atlantic blue. I don't know how long you have had him in the tank, but if it's been a while now, at least a few months, a small little goby couldn't hurt anything. You could try something nice like a yellow watchman or diamond. Both are very cool little fish with a lot of personality. Good luck regardless.