reef dude
I have a 90 gal. tank setup for 2 and a half months. Its Done cycling and has 2 percula clowns in it. They have been in it for over a week and all levels are perfect. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is 0, pH is 8.2 or 8.3, and salinity is about 1.026
I would like to add a royal gramma in a few days, would that be ok?
**side note**
i have not yet added my skimmer since i added the clowns, nor have i done a single water change since the cycle ended. I have been holding off on water change since i see so many Nitrogen bubbles in the sand. When should i do my first water change and when i do, should i stick the siphon into the DSB, or just suck out some water??
I would like to add a royal gramma in a few days, would that be ok?
**side note**
i have not yet added my skimmer since i added the clowns, nor have i done a single water change since the cycle ended. I have been holding off on water change since i see so many Nitrogen bubbles in the sand. When should i do my first water change and when i do, should i stick the siphon into the DSB, or just suck out some water??