Safe to add more fish?

reef dude

I have a 90 gal. tank setup for 2 and a half months. Its Done cycling and has 2 percula clowns in it. They have been in it for over a week and all levels are perfect. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is 0, pH is 8.2 or 8.3, and salinity is about 1.026
I would like to add a royal gramma in a few days, would that be ok?
**side note**
i have not yet added my skimmer since i added the clowns, nor have i done a single water change since the cycle ended. I have been holding off on water change since i see so many Nitrogen bubbles in the sand. When should i do my first water change and when i do, should i stick the siphon into the DSB, or just suck out some water??

reef dude

ok, and when should i add the skimmer, as soon as possible?
when i add the skimmer, will that upset any balance in the tank??


Active Member
I'd add the skimmer as soon as you can. But, research this clearly in terms of which one to go with. You'll be fine adding the gramma now IMO.


I'd go with a sea clone skimmer. There not going to break the bank and do a really good job. IMO I would get that set up before adding more to the tank.


Active Member
Nothing personal, but I'd still research the skimmer thing. I'm not certain that the seaclone can handle a 90 gallon. I would not recommend the CPR Bak Pak either. I've got one and I love it, but it 's not great for anything over a 55. Take a look at the Remoras.
Definitely research skimmers, many people are going skimmerless these days. Also research sumps and refugiums, they may be more valueable than a skimmer at this point. HTH

reef dude

I have a skimmer that came with my wet/dry filter. Its just an Amiracle skimmer i guess, because thats what type of filter it is and they came together. The filter is completely capable of filtering a 90 gal tank so i would like to assume that the skimmer is appropriate. Its pretty simple however, with a rio 600 pump that came with it. I think i'll hook it up and see how it goes...


Hey reef dude, I would personally wait to add a skimmer. Generally a skimmer takes out waste and necessary nutrients a new tank needs. Specially with the load that you have, you havent accumulated that much. I would just let the system "cycle" so to speak some more. I would'nt put in a skimmer untill the 6 month point of your tank being established.

richard rendos

Active Member
I doubt that the bubbles coming from your sand are nitrogen. I think it would take longer for it to denitrify. I think they may be air bubbles trapped in the sand from the initial setup.
Also...I doubt any skimmer that runs off a RIO 600 is going to handle a 90 gallon aquarium. Do some research on skimmers as suggested. Red Sea Berlin hang-on or Turbo Floaters would be good for your size tank.


Active Member
I second Richard's opinion. The turbo floaters are great; a little more expensive but seem to be worth it according to those who use them. I would still add the skimmer now though. Your tank is cycled. My reef tank has been running for about 6 months now. I had a cheap skimmer on it from the start, then upgraded to something better and it works great. I think a skimmer would improve your water quality, not induce any adverse effects. If you went with the turbo floater, it would take out much more harmful stuff than beneficial stuff. IMO.