safest crab?


Okay, I started reef-keeping about three weeks ago, and I noticed some hair algae on my rock. Yes only one rock. Anyway, I just want to know what's the best safest crab there is, or even algae cleaner.
I don't want to get hermitts because I have snails and I don't want them to be eaten by the hermitts. Any recommendation? Snails even? Sally lightfoot or emerald crab (I do have some bubble algae too)?
For list of ihabitants in my tank, refer to the list below :D .


Active Member
I would recomend a emerald. They are very hard workers and nice to watch.
As in any crab though, you might find one that is harmful. I still feel the emerald would be the way to go, ;)


hermits will only attack and kill snails if they don't have shells to move into as they grow.. they will kill each other for this reason as well .. if you add some assorted sized empty shells your hermits would be fine.. you may loose some to quarrels amongst themselves but for their price it's not a huge burden.. i personally wouldn't go with any other crab some people like them and have no problem but all crabs even sally's and emeralds have a tendancy to cause harm to tankmates..whether it be coral or fish....and yet if you're still skeptical abouthermits..go for some snails.. astrea and trochus are awesome hair algea cleaners ..astrea's tend to be slower but they get the job done.. you could even add a lawnmower blenny or algea blenny they're cool and indulge on algea..then there's the mexican turbo.. while they sometimes don't live as long as other snails for some reason.. they are incredibly efficient workers and will clear a section of algea in no could even get a globe urchin.. they're reef safe and eat hair algea.. well there are some suggestions.. good luck


Brian, the thing you said about providing empty shells for hermitts, it does not work all the time. I have heard many people providing empty shells for hermitts, but if they want to kill, they'll kill :D .
I have 4 astreas in my tank, and they haven't touched the hair algae I have. I'll try trochus. Thanks for the info brian's reef.


If you have algea on your rocks I would get a Lawnmower blenny, the one I had will literally suck the algea off of the rocks and he does a GREAT job. I think they are really great cleaners, but if you get one try and get a small one because they grow decently big and you may want to save room for other fish, but the lawnmower is what I would recommend to you or anyone else with a rock algea problem. But I would still get some hermits, they are great at finding algea and bits of food hidden in and behind the rocks, they will kill astrea snails but I have never seen them kill turbo snails so if I was you I would get turbo snails instead of astrea's, turbo's do a LOT better job.

salty james

I have an emerald in my 29g and he is a pain. He is cool looking though.. getting too big 2-3" will put him in the aggresive tank as soon as I can catch him
hermits and to prevent the killing of snails u should buy i gather some shells larger than the ones that ur hermits are living in and put them in the tank.and they would much rather get an empty shells than have to fight and kill for a new one