I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an established 125g tank this weekend. I am new to the hobby but am already an addict Included with the tank were 5 inhabitants that survived the move quite well. A HUGE green bristle star 4yrs, a royal? urchin, a coral beauty 2yr, a hitchhiking blue starfish 4yr, and a Sailfin Tang, 5 yrs.
I noticed that the sailfin has what appears to be HLLE. The gentleman who sold me the tank said that he has always had it. I was wondering if there is a way to tell if this is scarring from an old HLLE case or if it is a developing case. He has one large pea sized dimple behind one eye and a stripe of small dimples down each side. The dimples on his side are a little bigger than a pencil lead.
I am going to get some Zoe or Selcon(SP) today just in case, and I missed the Sept. FAMA issue, going to pick up Nov. Today but how do I tell if this is old scarring or a new onset? They are all eating well and swimming/crawlng happily.
Thank You,
I noticed that the sailfin has what appears to be HLLE. The gentleman who sold me the tank said that he has always had it. I was wondering if there is a way to tell if this is scarring from an old HLLE case or if it is a developing case. He has one large pea sized dimple behind one eye and a stripe of small dimples down each side. The dimples on his side are a little bigger than a pencil lead.
I am going to get some Zoe or Selcon(SP) today just in case, and I missed the Sept. FAMA issue, going to pick up Nov. Today but how do I tell if this is old scarring or a new onset? They are all eating well and swimming/crawlng happily.
Thank You,