Sailfin Had/Has HLLE


I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an established 125g tank this weekend. I am new to the hobby but am already an addict:) Included with the tank were 5 inhabitants that survived the move quite well. A HUGE green bristle star 4yrs, a royal? urchin, a coral beauty 2yr, a hitchhiking blue starfish 4yr, and a Sailfin Tang, 5 yrs.
I noticed that the sailfin has what appears to be HLLE. The gentleman who sold me the tank said that he has always had it. I was wondering if there is a way to tell if this is scarring from an old HLLE case or if it is a developing case. He has one large pea sized dimple behind one eye and a stripe of small dimples down each side. The dimples on his side are a little bigger than a pencil lead.
I am going to get some Zoe or Selcon(SP) today just in case, and I missed the Sept. FAMA issue, going to pick up Nov. Today:) but how do I tell if this is old scarring or a new onset? They are all eating well and swimming/crawlng happily.
Thank You,


Staff member
If the eroded areas start to get larger, then they are new. Many time HLLE can be reversed, but if this fish has had the disease for this long, they may be permanet scares.
Post up all your tank info. Equiptment, water source, filter, equiptment, type of setup, etc. Most times, HLLE has to do with envionment. Be sure to include REAL seaweed in the tangs diet [seaweed selects].


My newly aquired older tank parameters are:
150lb LR
0 ammonia
8.2 PH
0 nitrites
-5 nitrates
I am using 2 fluval 400s, a back pac filter (not sure which brand), and protien skimmer.
All the reat of the critters are doing well. I am going to take some photos today of the sailfin to see if the HLLE spots are changing from day to day. How fast does this change if he does have it and it is progressing? Will I be able to tell in a couple of days or do I need to wait a week and compare? I have switched them to a hebivore mix and they are eating well.


Forgot to add that the temp is 78 and the salinity when I got the tank was a very low 1.019. I have over the last 3 days increased it to 1.023 and hope to have it at 1.025 by tomorrow. Doing this with small water changes and adding pre-mixed aerated saltwater instead of fresh r/o water for top offs.