Sailfin Red Sea Tang vs Powder Brown Tang


Just looking for advice on which tang would best go along with my hippo.
The tank is 110 gallon reef tank with around 130 lbs live rock, is this large enough for the sailfin red sea? I've heard mixed reviews on both for health (Powder Brown) and size (Sailfin) reasons. Also is it true that the red sea sailfin does not get as big as the Indian Ocean Sailfin. Any past experiences or advice is always appreciated.


Active Member
Both sailfins can get to 15 in. in the wild and the PBT can get 8 in.
The sailfin is a much hardier fish than the PBT.
The Whitecheek Tang looks almost identical to the PBT but is much more hardier than the PBT and also only gets 8 in.
All should get along w/ the Hippo as long as it can make it through thru introdution and first agression stage and stay ICK free. Allways tricky when adding new tangs with esablshed tangs but this is true w/ alot of fish anyway so its up to you.