sailfin tang looks blownup


New Member
We have had this red sea sailfin tang for almost two years and in the past two weeks he just looked really fat,but now his eyes are bulging and he looks like hes going to explode. He still eating and moves around but seems like he cant move as fast because he's so fat. Has anyone have any ideas what this could be? All other fish are fine.


Staff member
By chance have you left any fish food out where it may have become spoiled? Like while defrosting frozen foods?
Can you quarantine the fish so you treat with antibiotics? It sounds like the fish may have a bacterial infection. Can you get a picture up?


New Member
Thanks for the reply and no I dont have the skills to send a picture. Our fish get flake food and rarely frozen Omega One is all they get. We dont have a qt tank so if it is a bacterial infection can we treat the whole tank?


Staff member
You can only treat the whole tank if it is strictly FO, and, even then, I have to say that it is never a good idea to medicate the display. Antibiotics will kill of at least part of the biofilter. Additionally, you would be exposing your fish to medications they don't need.
If you have windows you can change the pic size to 500pix using the resize feature in the Tools menu.