Sailfin tang need help diagnosing


New Member
Hi I am new to this hobby I enjoy taking the time to research and plan all that I can. Currently my sailfin tang has come down with something I'm not sure and I would like help diagnosing it? He looks to have black spots on him and his tail fin went from somewhat see through to a black tint. I know he has white ich at the moment and I'm treating him with a 25W UV and a good diet of sea weed and pellets and brine soaked in selcon. What I think he could have is 1 anemone sting, 2 black ich. The more I wright here and look at him I lean to black ich would love to here what your opinion is thanks Neil


Staff member
Sorry to tell you, but a UV will not cure ich. That is a big myth that stores likes to tell so you will buy expensive UV.
The black spots are a result of the poor health of the fish, they may be irritations from ich itself. You'll need to use a viable treatment and treat all the fish. I'm assuming you don't have a quarantine tank?


New Member
Yep your right no qt.
so in your expert opinion it's not black ich or a anemone sting?
Would it be smart to get a qt tank


Staff member
You have verified ich? Its not black ich. If you have white ich, then you need to treat.
How many fish do you have? Is your tank reef?


New Member
My Fish
Blue sailfin and yellow tangs, fire goby, 2 black ocellaris, 6 chromis and a algae blenny
My Invertebrates
4 turbo snails, 1 brital sea star, 4 nassarius snails and about 30 blue leg hermit crabs
I have white ich I'm not one for medication in my display tank if I have to get a qt I will
I'd like it to be a reef tank some day preferably after I get the ich under control.


New Member
Yes my tank is 3/4 of the way filled across the back with live rock. No corals yet would like them later


Staff member
Since you don't have coral, an alternative to moving the fish into a quarantine would be to move your live rock and inverts into a holding tank, even a Rubbermaid container, and treat the fish in the fish tank. The only way to treat in the display, would then be hyposalinity. Take a look at this: