

New Member
I have a sailfin tang i have had him for atleast 1 year now and in the past couple months he has been losing his fins it looks like something is eating him. i have a blue tang in there as well and he is doing fine no signs of ich on him or any of my other fish so i dont think its ich but i could be wrong if any one knows what the problem is let me know


Originally Posted by GHOST5.0
I have a sailfin tang i have had him for atleast 1 year now and in the past couple months he has been losing his fins it looks like something is eating him. i have a blue tang in there as well and he is doing fine no signs of ich on him or any of my other fish so i dont think its ich but i could be wrong if any one knows what the problem is let me know
Could you please post your exact water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temp, kh, salinity. What size tank is this, what are you feeding him and what other tankmates are there? Any new additions?


New Member
75 gal tank with i hippo tang a blue damsel and a clownfish. he eats seaweed or some formula 2 with garlic he has a healthy diet ill get my water reading to you tonite but i typically take my water to are local saltwater place and they test it and it typically comes back good little low on calcium so i add a calcium supl. daily


Have you seen any signs of agression? A blue hippo and a sailfin, both of whom get very large are quite cramped in a 75 gallon tank.


New Member
had are local aquarist person come by and look at our tank and it is hlle he said its not getting enough nutrients thanks for your help


Staff member
Any chance of posting a picture? Or take a look at the example pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread to confirm that diagnoses.
There is info on HLLE in the FAQ Thread as well.