Salfin Tang


What do you guys think about a salfin tang in a reef tank? Also are they ich magnets like the other tangs?


Active Member
I wouldnt go with a sailfin in a 75 reef. Maybe a 75 FO tank. But i dont think in a reef he is going to have alot of swimming room IMHO. They arent as susceptable to ich as other tangs such as the purple or regal tang are. But they can still get it just like any other fish. IMO tangs are high maintenance fish and the owner should have enough time to devote to taking care of that fish.


I think you would be fine with that fish...the thing with tangs however is that you will have to make sure its well fed...make sure you put lots of algae sheets for it to eat...I feed my YT mysis and flake and sheets


Active Member
he might be ok for a while but you will eventually have to get rid of him or upgrade
some say even a 200 is a bit small for this fish i wouldnt put one in anything less than a 180 imo