Salifert Flatworm Exit hurts me feelings


I have used this stuff 5 times already. Everytime to a tee. I have a water change ready, the chemical has been in my tank for about 30 minutes and the carbon is running. They just keep coming back. Persistant little buggers. Halides are supposed to create a "boom" in them I read though. Oh well.


Active Member
:notsure: :notsure:
So, why does it hurt your feelings? Is this related to your other post?


Active Member
Grab a powerhead and aim it all over the rocks. You need to get the flatworms in every little crevice or else they'll just keep coming back.


After it has been in there about 30 minutes at double the dosage I use a turkey baster to squirt water flow into every possible crevice and also aim powerheads at them.


Active Member
Try treating/dipping new acquisitions before adding to tank..
At the rate your stocking up , quite possibly your "re-infesting" rather than repopulating...


Do you actually know people that dont treat before they add things? Like they dont use seachem reef dip or something along those lines?


6/10 tanks will have reocurring problems. I could not add another thing to my tank and will most likely have 4-5 outbreaks over the next year.


Active Member
I must be one of the other 4 then...
I bought a piece a year and a half ago, didn't pretreat..had an outbreak, Treated and haven't had a recurrence since...
Added lots of pieces since then though...


Someone correct me if I am wrong but I thought that the problem with Flatworms was that the Flatworm exit only worked on the actually flat worms and the eggs were basically unharmed so until you can get the eggs out you will be battling flatworms.


Active Member
You are correct, that's why a 2nd follow up treatment is reccomended a short time later...for the hatchlings...
No adults=no more eggs... 2 treatments in the proper time frame will do it..
Unless you re-infest.


You are wrong. Go type this in google like so many people seem to love "flatworm hatchling cycle". When you notice flatworms, they are several different ages by that time. They get so crowded in the rockwork, that they feel the need to come out. SO THE EGGS ARE OF DIFFERENT AGE!!! It would be cool if everything in your tank was the same age. Like all the snails were the same age, the fish, just everything. OMG!!!
That reminds me. I used it 3 days ago. 2 weeks ago, 6 weeks ago and then again when I first started the dosage at 2 months ago. Directions require 4 drops per 5 gallons. I add about 8 drops per 5 gallons and have a pound of Kent Reef Carbon Ready and a 30% water change. Yet they miraculously keep returning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonnywater
When you notice flatworms, they are several different ages by that time. They get so crowded in the rockwork, that they feel the need to come out. SO THE EGGS ARE OF DIFFERENT AGE!!!
Seems like you just backed up joco and Squidd instead of disagreeing with them.


What in the name of christ are you talking about? They are saying that the adults die, then all the eggs hatch at the same time and create more adults that lay more eggs. When in fact some of the eggs hatch, then they lay eggs, then the eggs that were layed before them hatch - basically it is semingly impossible to have all adults in your tank and no eggs. Not to mention that they can also reproduce by splitting.
I know this stuff is expensive - but has anyone actually used a box? LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonnywater
What in the name of christ are you talking about? They are saying that the adults die, then all the eggs hatch at the same time and create more adults that lay more eggs. When in fact some of the eggs hatch, then they lay eggs, then the eggs that were layed before them hatch - basically it is semingly impossible to have all adults in your tank and no eggs. Not to mention that they can also reproduce by splitting.
dear lord, do you ahve to be THAT technical? i think they know that the eggs dont hatch at the exact same time. what they said was correct. you kill the adults, the eggs hatch and creat more. does it realy matter if they hatch the same day or not?!