Salifert for Dummies??


Active Member
I can't understand this calcium test kit by Salifert. In the last step it says to add drop after drop of CA-3 solution and calculate calcium level from there, by the chart. The chart states reading in ml's 0.00=500. Does that mean if I use the whole 1.0ml solution to the mixture that I have a calcium level of 500?


Active Member
Now it also says that it will turn from pink/red to clear blue. How clear is the blue? And this is a small air bubble right before the 1.0ml mark when filling up, will that affect results? Do you guys have a special method of doing this test?


Active Member
When you get close the color will change to purple temporarily then back to pink. Within a few drops the color will turn to blue and stay blue. It is a very obvious change.
The syringe holds slightly more than 1.0 mls. The bottom of the syringe should be full during the initial filling of the syringe and after measuring the amount used for titration. If there is a bubble at the top of the reagent column you can either try to tap it out and refill the syringe or make your measurements from the bottom of the bubble.


Active Member
elfdoctors thanks, how about the salifert nitrate kit? I tryed both low range and medium range and get 0. Not right! My NO3-3 was rock hard and I loosened it all up and still seems like there is moisture in it. Is it suppose to look gray in color? What should I do? Is this what your's look like?


Sorry elf but I disagree....Carefully read the instructions and you will see the warning ..."There will be some air present just below the piston(sound familiar?). This is the air present between the end of the plastic tip and piston. THIS WILL NOT INFLUENCE THE TEST RESULT.
Use the bottom of the piston as your indicator.
500 calcium is a lot. What are you doing to your water?


Active Member
I have no experience with the nitrate kit. I still have my original red sea kit for that (as well as some strips which I use when I don't have the time to do a full test).
I would be interested in any one else's opinion on the nitrate kit as I have been considering upgrading. One of the reagents for my nitrate kit seems to have precipitated out and doesn't shake well (even after the 30 seconds recommended).


You need a new nitrate kit. Once they go bad like yours has...they are no good. Salifert is fine type or the doc wellfish. You just need a rough estimate of how much is in there. Doc wellfish measures incramints(cant spell) of 10 ppm. Only problem is that it is a color read type test. I like salifert the best(so far that is.)


Active Member

Originally posted by shrkbait
Sorry elf but I disagree....Carefully read the instructions and you will see the warning ..."There will be some air present just below the piston(sound familiar?). This is the air present between the end of the plastic tip and piston. THIS WILL NOT INFLUENCE THE TEST RESULT.
Use the bottom of the piston as your indicator.

Thanks shrkbait.
I stand corrected about the technique. I don't usually use syringes that way in my practice (we don't usually want to risk injecting air into someone; this also introduces a possible measurement error).
The way I described will still give you an accurate measurement as long as both measurements (initial piston reading just before beginning titration and the final reading) are taken with the syringe tip filled with reagent. That's the most important part to ensure an accurate measurement.


Active Member
Ok I tryed both ways. Filling the syringe with liquid to the 1.0ml after the air bubble get me 440. Filling the syringe w/ the piston to the 1.0ml mark gives me 450.
Now, there are several shades of blue. First it changes to a dark blue then to a much lighter blue. If i measure to the much lighter blue I get much higher than 450, much closer to 500.
I tryed my Salifert Nitrate kit again and it's definetly bad, NO READING! I used my DOC WELLS and it gives me 20. Will the Salifert give me a much lower reading?


Salifert will probably give you a similar reading not much different. If you are under 40 ppm...dont worry.
Good point elf
Still wondering...ciso, are you adding a calcium supplement to your water? What other things are you doing to it? Just curious because Im in the stage of doing stuff to my own water.


Active Member
Now, there are several shades of blue. First it changes to a dark blue then to a much lighter blue. If i measure to the much lighter blue I get much higher than 450, much closer to 500.
Which blue?????
As for what I'm doing, well it's a long story. The short story is nothing!
I was testing before today with a REd Sea test kit and it showed 500 for about three weeks. Even after a water change and adding a bunch of soft corals. i thought that it would diminsh after a while, but no change. Bang Guy told me that i needed a new test kit...a good I got one. I'm getting alot of bright green growth on my rock and all my softies look good. I was about to set up a automatic topoff/doser to get it up if I needed too. But I guess I don't need to do that. I have to check for ALK though. How does good calcium affect ALK? And how is it that I'm maintaining constant calcium readings?
This is all so confusing right now...please explain!


Calcium and Alk work in reverse order usually. What are you using for your water changes?
High Alk usually constitutes Low Calcium and visa versa. Your adding nothing to the water at all? That is strange. I think its your water changes. Are you using tap water?


Go for the first blue on the test. I usually put another drop or two of reagent-3 to make sure that I have put enough in.
Are you using a level spoon of reagent-2 ? If you put too much in, your readings could be reading way too high. (I dont know how the chemical reaction takes place, but I think thats how it works.)


Active Member
So I guess my calcium is at 440, going by the first blue. I started this saltwater adventure at the beginning of the year. I've done three 20 percent water changes since. I use RO water for topoff and water changes. Instant Ocean for salt. No tap water. Just tap water to cycle tank at beginning.
I believe I used a level spoon full of reagent-2. I filled the spoon and then took a straight edge to smooth off the top.
FMI...what is the bright green coloring on my rocks...start of coralline or actual coralline?