Salinity Question


I have a 37g tall tank, with a bowheel 350, a protien skimmer, heater, 270 gph power head, 30lbs live rock, 20 lbs base rock, 40 lbs live sand.
Ammonia=0, nitrites=0, PH=8.4, nitrates= 5, salinity=1.031 (IMO high)
The tank cycled for around 8 weeks, has been stable in the readings for a week now. Yesterday we added 2 blue damsels, 2 yellow tail damsels, 2 cleaner shrimp, and a CC star.
I felt it premature to add the star but my gf wanted one, we acclimated all for 1-2 hours adding 1 cup of tank water every 15-20 mins as per LFS instruction.
THe damsels are fine, the acclimated perfectly so far, they are very active and eating well.
The shrimp and star however, are not doing well at all. the shrimp lay motionless as if dead, the star curled up and never moved.
I did a 20% water change to reduce the salinity which brought it down to 1.028. THe star has since straightened its legs out but remains motionless. The shrimp are showing signs of movement now.
My question is... was the salinity levels to high for the shrimp and star? was the acclimation method improper?
Will either recover now?
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Im fairly new to this and have been reading everything on here i can to increase my knowledge. I just hope I did not kill the shrimp and star... Expensive mistake and senseless waste of beautiful animals.
Also the LFS recommended feeding the damsels brine shrimp... is that sufficient? if not what is the proper food and feeding schedule for them?
THanks for taking the time to help a clueless guy learn about this wonderful hobby!!!!


Active Member
From my understanding (I am rather new myself) brine shrimp is not enough. It does not have enough nutrients. I feed my fish a home made mixture of raw table shrimp, mysis shrimp, marine cusine, spinach, mahi mahi, shrimp pellets and marine flakes all soaked with Zoe and Garlic Xtreme.
I also feed formula 2 small pellets, marine flakes, mysis shrimp and marine cusine (alternate all of this or you could just mix it all together up to you) soaked with Zoe and Garlic Xtreme.
As far as your salinity goes I keep mine at 1.026 I don't know if the 1.028 is to high or not.
I am sure someone will be here shortly to answer your questions.
Also make sure you watch your water parameters as I think you are only suppose to add 1 fish at a time to a newly cycled tank. You may kick it into another cycle with all the new fish. Just keep an eye on it. Again I am new so I am am no expert.
Welcome to the hobby and the boards.