Salinity Question


If my salinity reading is .025 and I need it at .023 do I need to add water? or add salt?
Thank you! (still learning :) )


First off what are you using to measure your salinity.
Second if you want to lower it then all you have to do is remove a gallon or so at a time and add some fresh water.
Third do you mean that your salinity is at 1.025 and you want it to be 1.023? Mine is at 1.025 according to my refractometer so spot on in my opinion.
Fourth your temp may affect your salinity readding
What is your temp
What size tank


I am using a Hydrometer to measure. My temp is 83 and my tank is 29G. It seems like i cannot get an accurate reading on my hydrometer. I test in one spot it is at .021 and in another it is .025 but if I swil the water around it'll test at .023 ish. What could be causing this? Probably my instrument?
It's not possible to have varrying salinity readings in different areas of the tank, unless you are just adding salt to the tank itself, and it's not completely dissolved.
Furthermore, even if this is the case, power heads would fix that in a hurry!


When using a hydrometer sometimes it's necessary to gently tap it on a hard surface to remove the bubbles around the arm. Try this. Also hydrometers are usually calibrated at 78 degrees so your temp might be throwing it off. A refractometer would be a good investment, you'll end up wanting one eventually. They are more acurate, when I got mine I found that my hydrometer was off 3 points.


ok thanks!!! thats what I needed to know. I am seeing that my salinity is reading way off the closer i get to my that is probably the problem. I am going to move my heater closer to my pump so it can swirl the water around and disperse the heat more efficiently. Then I shall add salt to my tank to raise it up. Checking on ---- for a refractometer, now I have to work on the hubby. That's gonna take some real effort. lol
Crusty, no I do not just add the salt. But thanks for the suggestion! I found that out the hard When i first set up my tank I did that and it took forever to mix it up in the tank, though it was kinda cool to watch the salt actually become part of the water! And the second time I added some and it clumped on my lr. I had to take a net to swoosh the water around, and then I had a sand storm! ;) So, I had no shoice but to rearrange my lr. ;)