

What is the right ppm for salinity? I've always thought it was 28 ppm, but mine right now is 29 ppm and my fishes are fine. Can anyone tell me what is the safe range for salinity? Thanks


Active Member
not exactly sure, i test specific gravity, ours is @1.025, but 1.023 is more than acceptable and you can go over to 1.027 or 8, but i won't, but if you have or plan corals you want it a bit higher tahn 1.023
as for ppm, if you know what eh conversion is, maybe this can help you


Well my salinity tester has both the ppm and the specific gravity. My water right now is about 1.021 to 1.022. So I guess it's fine. I always thought it has to be in between 1.020 and 1.021.


i have my tank set on 1.022-1.023 but i have no fish in it. i always thought this os the rght salinity


Active Member
I keep mine at 1.23-1.24 with both fish and corals. I fyou keep only fish you can keep it lower. Some LFS keep there fish tanks around 1.19 to control ich and other parasites.


Active Member
all the above are fine, esp. for fish only, you could go as low as 1.020, but i would prefer to stay a bit above that figure, 1.023+/-1 is probably close to the norm for fish only, inverts should have it a little higher
jsut make sure to acclimate your livestock slowly, nomatter what you kep it at, you never really know where it is where you get your fish from
also, whever you set it, maintain it, fluctuations are worse, than being a little off, especially with many inverts and crustaceans
[ December 28, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]
1.o20-1.025 is a good range. loser salinity for FO and higher for corals. benefits for lower salinity is parasites cant survive and gas solubility is enhanced. tanks with corals will do better in 1.023-1.025.