Sally caught picking on my feather duster


I just got a Feather dust last weekend. Its about 5 inches in diameter open, and the tube is about an inch in diameter. Last night I caught my sally light foot picking at the tube. I used my glass scrapper to scare him off, this time. Am I going to have problems with these two living together? Thanks


It may not be an everyday occurance but my lawnmower blenny likes to sit on the tube of the feather duster. It doesn't seem to hurt the feather duster and as long as it doesn't then I wouldn't worry about it. If you see the sally pick at the tube where it exposes the feather duster then you will have a problem but other than that just keep an eye on it.


Are you sure the sally wasn't just eating algee off the tube?I,ve got a sally and about 20 small feather dusters,seen her eating off them alot but hasn't hurt any yet.