Sally lightfoot problems (particularly Anthem)


Active Member
What kind of problems are you having with your sally lightfoot? Is anybody else having trouble? I've got one and I haven't had anything negative occurances yet. But I'm definately willing to give her the hook and send her to the lfs.


Active Member
I had one once.
It munched half of the coralline off the back of my tank.
It never stopped eating it.
I like coralline in the tank.
It was a smaller one - no problems with it bothering any others in the tank.
I returned the Sally.


My sally is getting larger and larger and larger. It seems to eat ALL THE TIME. I have been quietly wondering whether I should net it and return it before I buy more fish.


GOSH! you guys changed my mind about me getting one. they just look sooo damn cool looking!
oh well.......


Well now i'm worried also... I have one that to my knowledge has never hurt anything although I have had a peppermint and cleaner shrimp disappear about a month ago.. All he does is pick at algae on the rock and glass... What worries me most is I have a jawfish and yellow watchman goby in my quarantine tank. They will be there for another 3 weeks. They are both smaller than the sally. I also don't believe that I would be able to catch it either... what to do, what to do???


I have a rather large one in with a couple of small percula clowns, a hand full of peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp and I have not had a problem at all. In fact it is actually one of my favorite things to watch around feeding time.


Their claws are too small to be a threat to a healthy fish. Unless your fish is dying and unable to swim, this crab ain't gonna catch a normal fish because of the nature of their claws. They are scavengers, always busy searching for bits of food. Of course, there are always exceptions.