Sally Lightfoot


I just added a sally lightfoot to my 12g
she's been going around eating algae- what else should i get to feed her?
i have read several posts about using turkey basters to feed, what do you put in those?


Active Member
they pretty much eat any of the fish food you put in the tank.... such as brine shrimp and other frozen or fresh meaty and algae based foods....


Mine eats all foods without spot feeding. A warning though, mine(have 2) have gotten to about the size of a silver dollar now. Also they will attack any fish that that is near them during feeding. Luckily all my fish are a decent size so they don't seem to harm them. Just something to think about for the future.


New Member
I keep on seeing my Sally munching on my Blue-legged Hermit Crabs. Sally is well fed also. I guess the Blue-legs are a Sally delicacy...