SallyLitefoot and Fish


New Member
I ordered some fish a Sallylitefoot crab and other inverts which I got in last week.
The Sally is about 2" bigger than I would like.
Everything is doing well except that one of the Firefish wouldn't eat and dies 2 days later, the 2nd firefish was eating but this morning I saw the Sallylitefoot crab eating his carcass, which looked fresh.
Has anybody had any problem with a Sally catching live healthy fish? It was my assumption that crabs only ate dead fish.
I have about 150lbs of LR in a 55gal with a 20gal sump.
I've got two and they don't mess with my fish at all. They're about 2 inches only problem is that they keep jumping into my overflow :) I didn't think that the rocks were that close to the top but apparently these little guys can really use their long flat lightweight bodies to seemingly out of reach places.


New Member
thanks, thats what I thought. I had orderede several fish and the all started eating right except the 2- firefish, one started eating in 2 days but the other one died, then this one. I suspect that they were Cyanide caught.t


FWIW I had a large (4") Sally that would grab at passing fish. He never caught any though.