Salt Build accumulation on walls


New Member
I am very close to investing around $2000 in a new aquarium and some tropical fish, etc... to get my new hobbie started....however I was told by a reliable source that the salt in the water of the aquarium after time will evaporate and accumulate on the walls where the aquarium is this a big issue or is the build up relatively harmless....or will the salt in the air after time damage my appliances that are near by the aquarium.
Any comments will be greatly appreciated


New Member
The salt itself doesn't evaporate, but you may get salt creep. From what I've seen on my old tank, the slightest splashing from a skimmer or similar will leave salt traces. Shouldn't cause problems on walls or other appliances near by.


they make a spray called salt creep eliminator i personaly never tried it but seen it and heard of it


Active Member
I think you will be fine. If the tank is in the wall you won't get any salt creep on the show side of the tank. As ststed above the salt does not evaporate with the water but it can move onto things that any tank water get onto.


You won't really have "salt in the air"...the only real problem might occur if you get some salt spray on the wall. You can check the wall occasionally and wipe it down, or I've heard some people just put a piece of thin plexi behind the tank to protect the wall.


New Member
I have seen a skimmer leave black marks on a wall it was stood by. Didn't notice it while it was there, but as soon as we moved the tank we noticed it. If you're concerned about any marks on the wall, the plexi idea sounds like a really good one.


Are you using a spray bar? or a bio-wheel? just wipe the wall down with fresh water, aka a sponge. Don't worry about clean-up unless your moving very soon. Now why would you buy and stock a SFW tank if you plan on moving? ARE YOU? (moving I mean)?


New Member
No I am not moving......just getting some funds together and planning on setting up a 90 - 120 gal reef tank in the near future....Like I said I am new to this but both my wife and I are looking forward to setting up our Reef tank.