Salt buildup on MH bulb what to do?


I was just wondering what I needed to do. It looks like the bulb is dirty or there is some type of salt buildup on the MH bulb is this normal? This is my first MH setup and it seems that it definatly is affecting the light in the tank could this happen after just 3 weeks of running it?


Active Member
How high are they mounted? At any rate, I get spots and stuff over time... get a rag wet with RO/DI water and clean the bulb. Make sure the bulb is not hot...


Another option is to use a rag dampened with rubbing alcohol. It will take the salt creep right off and evaporates leaving no film.


I have to take my bulbs out and clean them pretty often - they're like 3 inches off the surface.
I just run them under the tap and scrub them with a soapy sponge to get the really stubborn creep off... Then I dry them carefully with a dishrag.


Active Member
Hopefully you know to do all the above when the bulb has been off for several hours and is not even the slightest bit warm.



Originally posted by 007
Hopefully you know to do all the above when the bulb has been off for several hours and is not even the slightest bit warm.

Of course... that's a given. :yes:



Originally posted by 007
Hopefully you know to do all the above when the bulb has been off for several hours and is not even the slightest bit warm.

Of course... that's a given.
Sabby: Just thought I'd add this thought.
I just wonder how many have done a water change and forgot to unplug their heaters.:D
Good goin 007:yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by saltfin
I just wonder how many have done a water change and forgot to unplug their heaters.:D



Active Member

Originally posted by Neowind
How often do you ussually have to do this? Thanks for all the replies.

Every couple months for me... it would really depend on how quick they get dirty. I like the bulbs clean, clean, clean...



Originally posted by saltfin
Sabby: Just thought I'd add this thought.
I just wonder how many have done a water change and forgot to unplug their heaters.:D

Good point... obvious mistakes are the easiest to make. :yes: