Salt Creep and Specific Gravity


Active Member
I am aware that salt creep is not to be introduced back into the aquarium, but rather cleaned off and removed.
However, how does this not reduce the salinity of the water? Is salt creep a byproduct of salt or is it the salt itself?


I have seen several different answers to this. The one that makes the most sense to me is that it should be put back in the tank. It was in the water orginally, why shouldn't it go back in?
Of course, I defer to the many people on this board with more experience and knowledge than me.


I have always put t back in, but try to put it away from the fish, in the sump maybe, unless it is a small amount.


Active Member
i also put push it back in but only into the sump.
i dont do it in the main tank out of fear it will land on a softy and burn it


Active Member
it should not go back into the tank, because salt creep comes from evaporated water. now, you have more salt into less water.
thats why those with larger tanks with big amounts of evap usually utilize auto-top offs of r/o water


Active Member
Shouldn't it be safe if I do a top-off at the same time I reintroduce the creep back into the tank? Even better, what if I mix the creep into the distilled topoff water before pouring it into the tank?


Unless you are getting huge amounts of salt creep, (maybe there is something wrong with your set up) then it is not a problem. I do top offs everyday, and at the same time put the "creep" back in. I have been doing this since I have started to keep salt tanks, and have never has a problem with it.


Active Member
I was under the impression salt dont evaporate that is why when you top off your system you use freshwater and not saltwater.


Salt does not evaporate, but it will start to "creep" from a spray or from constant splashes. It should be minor, and it usually starts to form a crusty white area near the lip of the tank or on equipment. Check your tanks and you should be able to see it.


I use a 5 gal bucket filled with fresh water and installed a drip fitting at the bottom it is set as the water evaporates it is replaced by fresh water last for about a week then i fill it up again it is sitting above my sump on a shelf. allows me to relax and not have to fill every day.


You go through 5 gal a week with a 90??? Is this normal? Yikes!!
I have a 90 and don't yet know how much water I need to be replacing, is this what I should expect?