Salt Creep


Ok, so I am cleaning my tank up today and I find a fair amount of salt creep in the back of the tank. I know why its there so thats not my concern, but as I was cleaning it up, some fell into the tank. Now as of now, my cycle just finished two weeks ago and I am doing a water change and there is only LR in the question is, after the salt was exposed to air, is there any harm in the salt back into the tank?


IME with a 20 FO with LR the salt creep wont do any drastic damage. The only thing it might change is SG and sal... possibly.....and only if allot (depends on the size of the tank) of it falls into the tank.
As a practice I try to avoid getting it in there but on the occasion that it does I don't sweat it. If it really bothers you I've heard about an additive that reduces or eliminates it. I haven't done any research on it so ask around if your interested.


Active Member
Before I read on here that you weren't supposed to put the salt creep back in your water I used to fling it back in
It never hurt anything, but now I know better.


Active Member
??? I just knock the stuff back into the tank, its just salt. And its not enough to raise anything as far as SG, theres not enough of it to do that, unless we are talking about a mountain of it stuck to the back of your tank.