Salt Hobbi, pics of 30 gallon


Active Member
don't know why your previous thread was locked. but here are some pics of a 30 gallon that I set up Friday due to having to do hyposalinity in my main tank. so this is pretty much an invert/coral QT. I ended up losing all my shrimp in the process though. the yellow star polyps and the ricordea (in the first pic) came from



Thank you for a respond. Ok ok im getting an idea on how I should do my 30, I already have the 30 its currently a freshwater tank but no fishes in it. 75g is getting outa hand since i dont got time.


Active Member
actually, if you don't have much time to work on tanks, you'd be better off sticking with the larger tank. the larger the tank, the less work has to be done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
actually, if you don't have much time to work on tanks, you'd be better off sticking with the larger tank. the larger the tank, the less work has to be done.
less work or less forgiving? Other than being more stable (more forgiving for mistakes) I dont really see it being less work. I mean how hard is it to do a 10% water change on a 10-30 gallon as opposed to a large tank. small tank doesn't usually have the auxillary pump/sump/refugium/equipment and no bending under cabinets to service. alot less glass/algae to clean (if your like me and only let a little grow on the back glass), alot less to take out if you must catch/remove/erraticate problems/pest that may occur.