Salt into water or water into salt?


New Member
I've heard/read that there is a difference wheather you put your salt into a bucket and add water to it or if you put your water in first and then add the salt...
Can anyone offer opinions on this... especially if you can explain the science behind it.
Or is it just opinion?
I can't figure out a scientific reason that there would truly be a difference...


Active Member
I put in the water first and then add the salt. don't think it matters either way as long as you don't mix your saltwater in your tank.


Active Member
ALWAYS add the salt into the water. Beleave it or not adding the salt first and then adding the water can mess up the chemisty because it's more likely to precipitate due to a high consintration of salt.
Also add the salt slowly to the water...


Active Member
Thanks for the tip reefnut. I always add water then salt. nice to know i was doing it the right way just didn't realize there was a correct way. thats what i like about this site is there is always people like you who are willing to help out and answer all of our questions. Thanks